Youth Pastor Theologian
Youth Pastor Theologian is built on the conviction that youth ministry is theological ministry. But what does that really mean? The YPT Podcast features conversations to help you think theologically about what youth ministry is, and to help you teach theologically with confidence.
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Episode 17: Theologically Grounded Youth Ministry (Kevin Yi)
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Youth Ministry is theological ministry. But what's this actually mean, and what's it look like? Kevin Yi joins the podcast to share what he's learned about theologically grounded youth ministry.
This episode features the following discussion:
You live in Southern California surrounded by many flagship attractional churches. Without being unnecessarily critical, could you share how that’s shaped your own convictions about the role of theology and the gospel in youth ministry?
Can you walk us through how you decide whether or not it’s worth digging into a theological question or if that’d be a distraction from teaching the big idea of the text?
What have you learned the hard way about teaching theologically?
How can youth workers teach theologically without posing as theology professors in the youth room?
Mike and Kevin co-host another podcast along with Clark Fobes, called Thanos to Theos - a podcast about comics, culture, theology, and youth ministry. Thanos to Theos is part of the Rooted Ministry podcast network. Even if you aren't into comics or superhero movies, it'll help you launch into meaningful conversations with students in your ministry.
Kevin Yi is the College and Young Adults Pastor and Education Director at Church Everyday in LA county. He's also the Video Producer for the Rooted Ministry and a contributor to The Gospel I Wish I Knew in High School.
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Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Episode 16: The Intersection of Theology & Apologetics (Bradley & Hartman)
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Youth pastor theologians know that persuasion is an important element of their ministry. Students are faced with so many opposing worldviews and doubts, it's important for us to take an apologetic approach when teaching the Bible and theology. But what's that mean and how do we do it? In this episode, we're joined by two of YPT's regular contributors to discuss the intersection of theology and apologetics.
Why is it important to lead ministries that prioritize theology and apologetics?
What’s the difference between teaching theology and teaching theologically? What’s that really look like in your own ministries?
Does youth ministry focus too much on apologetics?
How do the affections shape the way we teach the Bible, and how can apologetics help us with that?
What are some recommendations for someone who wants to read or study more?
Joseph Bradley is the student pastor at Second Baptist Church of Arkadelphia in Arkadelphia, Arkansas
Nick Hartman is the associate pastor of students and discipleship at Mt Carmel Baptist Church in Cross Plains, TN
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Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Episode 15: The Unwavering Youth Pastor (Jonathan Dodson)
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Thriving in ministry is always more difficult than new youth pastors expect. The grind of ministry, the unusual schedule, and unfair complaints can wear the best of us down. In this episode, we talk with Jonathan Dodson about his book, The Unwavering Pastor, and what he's learned firsthand about applying the gospel to our own hearts. Discussion topics include,
What do you mean by “unwavering pastor?” and what prompted you to write this book?
The Unwavering Pastor has been out for a few months now. What are some common themes from conversations you’ve had with pastors who’ve reached out to you since reading it?
One of the sentences that made me put the book down and pray was this line, “It is virtually impossible to make it through division without sinning, and Christ is gladly present to remedy that.” Could you share a little more about this.
I really appreciated the story you told about your grandfather’s words to you about truth telling, could share you that with us?
Teenagers don’t have very many good examples of conflict resolution. We live in a cancel culture that’s fueled by internet rage. And yet, Jesus said blessed are the peacemakers. What counsel do you have for us about being peacemakers when others around us make that difficult?
Founding Pastor of Austin City Life, founder of Gospel-Centered Discipleship and author of multiple books, including Gospel-Centered Discipleship, Our Good Crisis, and The Unwavering Pastor.
Browse Jonathan's books here
Order The Unwavering Pastor
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(note: Amazon Affiliate links help support YPT's work to help youth workers think and teach theologically about ministry)
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Episode 14: Collaborating with Children’s Ministry (Jared Kennedy)
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
In this episode, Jared Kennedy offers counsel for youth workers about how to understand and partner with the children's ministry. This is something we know we should do, but don't know where to start.
What are some common misconceptions of children’s ministry that you think people should avoid?
What are some areas of commonality and difference between children and youth ministry?
Can you share with me an example you’ve witnessed of good alignment between a children’s ministry and a youth ministry - what’s that really look like in practice?
Jared Kennedy is the founder of Gospel Centered Family and Ministry Editor at The Gospel Coalition.
Follow Jared on Twitter @JaredSKennedy
View and order Jared's books
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Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Episode 13: Sexual Purity in Youth Ministry (Dean Inserra)
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
How can youth workers disciple students in sexual purity without avoiding the pitfalls of "purity culture?" Dean Inserra recently published an excellent book on that question. This episode's questions include:
What was well-intentioned about youth ministry’s efforts through the “Purity Culture” of the 90’s and what can we learn from that - and what are some warnings for us to avoid?
Section two of your book walks through seven lies that are rampant in our culture. Which of these lies are particularly relevant for youth workers?
The true love waits pledge talk about “purity until marriage.” But purity is about more than “purity until marriage,” as if purity becomes unnecessary once you’re married. What does the Bible teach about purity?
When we feel impure because of our own sexual sin or because of what’s been done to us, what does the gospel have to say?
How has this book helped you rethink the way you talk about sexuality with your own kids?
Order Dean's latest, "Pure: Why the Bible's Plan for Sexuality Isn't Outdated, Irrelevant, or Oppressive." (Affiliate link, proceeds support the work of YPT)
Dean's other books
Dean Inserra is the founding pastor of City Church. He is passionate about reaching the city of Tallahassee with the Gospel, to see a worldwide impact made for Jesus. He and his wife have three children.
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Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Episode 12: Teaching the Bible in Youth Ministry (Kyle Hoffsmith)
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
It's easy for us to agree that we should teach the Bible in youth ministry, but never really pause to think about how that priority shapes the rest of our ministry. In this episode, we talk with Kyle Hoffsmith about what it means to place an emphasis on Bible teaching. Highlights from the conversation include:
Who taught you how to really study Scripture, and what did that look like for you?
What are some obstacles that can get in the way of Bible Study in youth ministry?
Can you walk us through some of the basics of good hermeneutics?
What role does application plan in Bible Study?
Recommended resources mentioned in the podcast:
One to One Bible Reading, by David Helm
Charles Simeon Trust
RYM’s Track Series
Kyle Hoffsmith is the Pastor of Student Ministry at Old North Church in Canfield Ohio, and is one of the hosts of The Word in Youth Ministry podcast which is sponsored by CYPU.
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Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
Episode 11: Growing a Gospel Culture in Student Ministry (Vince Greenwald)
Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
The gospel needs to shape more than how we teach... it should shape the entire culture of our ministry and relationships. But what's that look like and how do we begin? In this episode, we talk with Vince Greenwald (Director of Student Ministry at Immanuel Church in Nashville) about how he and his church build a gospel culture that makes lifelong disciples of the next generation.
What do you mean by "gospel culture"?
What are these gospel culture practices in your ministry: “Walking in the Light” “Honor Time” “Burden Bearing”
How do you respond to those who would say they confess their sin to God, so they don’t need to do this?
How do you make space for students to confess their sins without it leading to shame or pressuring them into something they don’t want to do?
How did you first introduce this into your ministry and what recommendations do you have for listeners who might be interested?
YPT has released a gospel culture series based off this episode of the podcast. As part of an effort to embody a gospel culture in their student ministry, they practice Honor Time, Walking in the Light, and Burden Bearing Time together during their regular Wednesday night meetings. These regular practices are centered on the idea that gospel doctrine creates a gospel culture. They help students see that the gospel shapes their real lives and is more than just a good idea.
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Please consider sharing YPT's podcast and our articles with your friends, and leave a rating/review on your podcast subscriber. You can contact us with any questions and recommend both topics and guests on our website's Submissions Page. Some links above are Amazon Associates links, which helps YPT purchase new resources for study and research.
Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
Episode 10: Apologetics in Youth Ministry (Chris Talbot)
Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
Is apologetics outdated and irrelevant, as so many have boldly proclaimed? We don't think so. In this episode, Chris Talbot (Ph.D. candidate in Apologetics & Culture at SEBTS) joins the podcast to share about how youth workers can help students develop lasting faith. Highlights of the conversation include:
What is Apologetics?
Is apologetics irrelevant and outdated in today's post-modern context?
Why have youth ministries drifted away from apologetics in recent years?
Why are the writings of Francis Schaeffer valuable for youth workers today, and where could youth pastors begin reading his works?
What's the value of Imago Dei as an important apologetic to students today?
How has working on a Ph.D. in Apologetics helped Chris become a better youth pastor?
Chris Talbot, program director of youth and families at Welch College, and youth pastor at Sylvan Park Church in Nashville. He's also the author of one of the best but least-known books on youth ministry, "Remodeling Youth Ministry."
Buy Chris' book, Remodeling Youth Ministry
Follow Chris on Twitter: @c_talbot
YPT's Recommended Apologetics Resources
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Please consider sharing YPT's podcast and our articles with your friends, and leave a rating/review on your podcast subscriber. You can contact us with any questions and recommend both topics and guests on our website's Submissions Page.
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Episode 9: Embodied & Virtual Ministry (Chris Martin)
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
As the digital world continues to lead us to live our lives online, many youth workers are struggling to discern that fine line between "meeting students where they're at" and prioritizing "real life" relationships. In this episode, Mike talks with Chris Martin about:
Are virtual friends real friends? How does the reality of virtual friendship influence the way we relate and ministry to student in our ministries.
What are some implications of students' unfettered access to online living during COVID?
What is the Metaverse, and should youth workers start preparing for Meta-Discipleship?
Recommended Culture-Watchers, mentioned in the podcast (not Christians)
Taylor Lorenz (Washington Post)
Dirt (Substack/newsletter)
Casey Newton
Charlie Warzel
Chris Martin is the Content Marketing Editor for Moody Publications and is the author of Terms of Service (among other books). He's also the "youth pastor emeritus" at his church, where he still volunteers in the student ministry.
Buy Chris' book "Terms of Service," sign up for his weekly newsletter, and follow him on Twitter.
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Please consider sharing YPT's podcast and our articles with your friends, and leave a rating/review on your podcast subscriber. You can contact us with any questions and recommend both topics and guests on our website's Submissions Page. Some links above are Amazon Associates links, which helps YPT purchase new resources for study and research.
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
Episode 8: Protection Policies & Ministry to Abuse Survivors (Chelsea Erickson)
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
Child Protection Policies, mandated reporting, and ministry to abuse survivors. These are difficult and sometime uncomfortable to talk about - but youth workers need to be informed and ready to protect, defend, and care for the students in their care.
In this episode, we're joined by Chelsea Erickson, the Pastor of Youth and Families at First Congregational Church in Hamilton, Massachusetts. Questions and issues discussed are:
What is a Child Protection Policy and why is it important for churches to have one in place?
What are some common objections you’ve heard to these, and how do you counter those?
What are some ways you’ve seen healthy guidelines change in the time you’ve been serving in youth ministry?
Why is it biblically and theologically important for youth workers to take physical and sexual abuse seriously?
When a student shares about an incident that should be reported, how do you provide pastoral care for them and their family in the days and weeks following the formal report?
What does the gospel say to abuse survivors?
Recommended Resources Mentioned
Ministry Safe
Protect My Ministry
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Please consider sharing YPT's podcast and our articles with your friends, and leave a rating/review on your podcast subscriber. You can contact us with any questions and recommend both topics and guests on our website's Submissions Page. Some links above are Amazon Associates links, which helps YPT purchase new resources for study and research.

Theology... in youth ministry?!
Theology and youth ministry don't tend to go together. But they should. Students are asking hard questions and they're growing up in a culture where living as a Christian makes you an outcast. We need more than easy answers and lots of fun if we're going to make lifelong disciples.