Youth Pastor Theologian
Youth Pastor Theologian is built on the conviction that youth ministry is theological ministry. But what does that really mean? The YPT Podcast features conversations to help you think theologically about what youth ministry is, and to help you teach theologically with confidence.
7 days ago
7 days ago
As teenagers move from middle school through their high school graduation, they begin to ask increasingly difficult questions about life and faith and God. If we are only telling them answers without creating space for meaningful conversations about the questions they have, then they’ll find answer to their questions somewhere else. Today’s conversation will help youth workers lean into these sometimes uncomfortable conversations in order to disciple students into faith that lasts.
Discussion Questions:
Could you share a little about Darkroom and the importance of giving teenagers a place to talk about their doubts and questions?
Darkroom talks about sparking students’ curiosity. What do you mean by that and why is curiosity so important?
What are some differences between the doubts and faith struggles of teenagers versus those of young adults? At what age do you see students really begin to wrestle with doubt and experience deconstruction?
What are some of the common doubts and issues that you’re hearing from younger generations through Darkroom, and how can youth workers address those today?
Sometimes, parents and youth leaders can think that doubt is always bad and deconstruction is always apostasy. But that’s just not true. Could you help us think through the different types of doubt and deconstruction?
What’s the relationship between apologetics and teaching the Bible?
Any final words of wisdom or encouragement for the youth workers who are listening?
Mary Jo Sharp is the founder and director of Confident Christianity apologetics ministry. She is a well-respected apologist, teacher, and writer. Some of her books include, “Why I Still Believe,” “Living in Truth,” and “Why Do You Believe That?” and her ministry has recently launched an initiative for the next generation called Darkroom Faith, which you’ll hear more about in a few minutes.
Follow Mary Jo Sharp: Facebook, X/Twitter, Instagram
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YPT's ebook, Youth Ministry is Theological Ministry, is a free download for subscribers. This book presents ten articles from the YPT archives to help new readers catch YPT's vision for theologically rich and pastorally wise youth ministry.
Monday Nov 25, 2024
84: Leading and Equipping Volunteers (Alex Tufano)
Monday Nov 25, 2024
Monday Nov 25, 2024
Sooner or later, every youth pastor learns that their youth ministry is only as strong as their volunteers. If that’s true then how do we identify, recruit, train, and support faithful volunteer leaders to serve our students?
Why are volunteers so important?
What should we look for in volunteers, and what are some flags that should give us pause in potential volunteers?
What’s your take on parents serving as youth leaders?
How do you go about “making the ask” to recruit new volunteers?
What does onboarding and training for new volunteers look like for you?
Do you have different roles or job descriptions for volunteers? How do you ensure they aren’t just warm bodies at youth group?
How do you address differences of opinion and disagreements with volunteers? To what degree is that healthy, and when does that mean that it might not be a good ministry fit?
Alex Tufano is the Youth Pastor at Heritage Bible Chapel in Princeton, MA. He’s served in youth ministry for 13 years… he’s also responsible for curating YPT’s Friday Review every week, so he’s a treasured contributor to YPT’s ministry.
Podcast ep.8 “Protection Policies and Ministry to Abuse Survivors” with Chelsea Erickson
MinistrySafe or Protect My Ministry
YPT New Youth Leader Application Packet & Application
YPT Guide for New Youth Ministers
YPT Teaching Workshop
Lead Them to Jesus, Mike McGarry
Trellis and Vine, by Colin Marshall and Tony Payne
With, by Skye Jethani
Parenting Ahead, by Kristen Hatton
CPYU and Rooted podcasts
Receive the Friday Review in your inbox by subscribing to the YPT Blog.
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Follow YPT on Instagram: @youththeologian
YPT's ebook, Youth Ministry is Theological Ministry, is a free download for subscribers. This book presents ten articles from the YPT archives to help new readers catch YPT's vision for theologically rich and pastorally wise youth ministry.
Tuesday Nov 19, 2024
83: Translating Youth Culture for Student Discipleship (Evan Barber)
Tuesday Nov 19, 2024
Tuesday Nov 19, 2024
Youth culture can feel like a foreign language, especially with how rapidly it changes. How can youth workers understand the culture of our students… and why is that important anyways?
Why is it important for youth workers to understand youth culture?
How would you describe the default approach most adults take toward interpreting and translating youth culture?
Could you walk us through a biblical view of Christ and Culture?
What is the intersection between theological depth and cultural analysis?
Can you give us an example of something going on in youth culture today and model how we could engage students in a meaningful conversation about their worldview?
Are there any common pitfalls regarding youth culture that you’ve seen youth workers fall into that we should guard against?
Evan Barber is the Senior Editor for Axis, a ministry that equips parents for gospel-centered conversations with their teen about faith and culture. He also cohosts their Culture Translator Podcast.
Discover new resources on Axis' website
Follow @axisconversations on social media: Instagram, Facebook, YouTube
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Follow YPT on Instagram: @youththeologian
YPT's ebook, Youth Ministry is Theological Ministry, is a free download for subscribers. This book presents ten articles from the YPT archives to help new readers catch YPT's vision for theologically rich and pastorally wise youth ministry.
Monday Nov 11, 2024
82: How to Respond When Teenagers Get Pregnant (Sara Loy)
Monday Nov 11, 2024
Monday Nov 11, 2024
How do we respond with love and grace when teenagers in our ministry get pregnant? This is a huge surprise for everyone and often turns entire families upside-down. The gospel shapes the way you support and care for the expectant mom, dad, and their families.
What are some of the initial feelings that our teen girls likely experience after finding out they’re pregnant, and what factors into the next decisions they often make?
When you meet with these expectant moms, what does ministry to them look like?
How do you respond to those who are afraid that supporting teen pregnancies will send the wrong message to the group and will only encourage others to deal lightly with sexual sin?
What can youth leaders/groups do to make youth group a safe and welcoming place for pregnant teens? What are some 'do's and 'don'ts' for making youth group a supportive and gracious environment?
Obviously, this affects the whole family, not just the student who’s pregnant. How can churches and youth workers support the family through this new challenge that’s completely changing their family?
If we find out that one of our youth group students had an abortion, how can youth workers prepare today so they respond well to that news?
Sara Loy is the Director of Springwater Healing, an arm of the Boston Center for Pregnancy Choices. Springwater provides support and counseling after an abortion.
Embrace Grace
Lifeway’s Study on the Church and Abortion: Report, Article
Students for Life
The Charlotte Lozier Institute (research group)
Springwater Healing
Join YPT's Facebook group: @youththeologian (make sure you answer the membership questions)
Follow YPT on Twitter: @youththeologian
Follow YPT on Instagram: @youththeologian
YPT's ebook, Youth Ministry is Theological Ministry, is a free download for subscribers. This book presents ten articles from the YPT archives to help new readers catch YPT's vision for theologically rich and pastorally wise youth ministry.
Tuesday Nov 05, 2024
81: Leading Youth to Lead Worship in Youth Ministry (Dorothy Lau)
Tuesday Nov 05, 2024
Tuesday Nov 05, 2024
How can youth ministries encourage teenagers to worship God? Obviously, worship is more than singing and music, but that’s often where we begin how to worship. So what kinds of songs should we sing, and what should we avoid in our worship music?
Discussion Questions
What are some of the benefits of incorporating worship in your youth ministry?
Can you talk us through a brief theology of music and worship? Why do you think we equate worship with singing?
What are some challenges of helping teenagers develop a biblical and gospel-centered approach to worship, rather than falling into an emotionalistic “I really like this song” approach?
How to do you hold a high bar for good theology in worship songs while still allowing room for artistic and creative language?
Without being unnecessarily critical, can you give us a few examples of songs that you’ve removed from your setlist for theological reasons, and walk us through your reasons for it?
Any advice for listeners about how to have these conversations without becoming argumentative or fostering an overly critical spirit in your ministry? (does that make sense? I’m thinking about some youth taking this to mean they need to become the theology police at all time, and that’s just arrogant and gross)
If someone is listening and they want to incorporate more worship into their youth ministry but they just don’t have the musicians to pull it off, what advice do you have for them? How and where do you get started?
The Berean Test - website that evaluates worship songs
Bob Kauflin books
Doxology and Theology: How the Gospel Forms the Worship Leader, by Matt Boswell
Follow Dorothy on Instagram: @dlau7
Join YPT's Facebook group: @youththeologian (make sure you answer the membership questions)
Follow YPT on Twitter: @youththeologian
Follow YPT on Instagram: @youththeologian
YPT's ebook, Youth Ministry is Theological Ministry, is a free download for subscribers. This book presents ten articles from the YPT archives to help new readers catch YPT's vision for theologically rich and pastorally wise youth ministry.
Tuesday Oct 29, 2024
Tuesday Oct 29, 2024
Youth workers are increasingly realizing the importance of intergenerational ministry. But it remains a challenge to promote a churchwide commitment to these cross-generational relationships. Why is this so important and how do we make progress in this area?
Discussion Includes:
Could you tell us a little about Generation Spark's vision for intergenerational mentoring?
Why are intergenerational relationships so important for youth discipleship?
What are some of the challenges that need to be identified and overcome in order to cultivate a church-wide commitment to intergenerational ministry?
Can you tell us about one or two churches who have made real progress in this, and how they did that?
How does this intergenerational unity flows from good ecclesiology and strengthen the whole church’s identity and mission?
Advice for youth leaders who want to lead their church to become more intergenerational but their ability to lead this kind of change is limited.
Annika Bangma serves with Generation Spark and served in church-based youth ministry for over a decade. Generation Spark is a ministry initiative of the Reformed Church of America to promote cross-generational mentoring in the church. She’s also a dear friend who has ministered to me during some really painful seasons of youth ministry, so I’m happy to introduce her to our YPT listeners.
Generation Spark
Growing Young, by Kara Powell, Jake Mulder, and Brad Griffin
A Biblical Theology of Youth Ministry, by Mike McGarry
YPT Podcast Episodes on Church MembershipEp.39: Gospel-Centered Pedagogy and Church Membership as Discipleship
Ep.51: Church Membership for Teenagers?
Follow Generation Spark on Facebook and Instagram
Join YPT's Facebook group: @youththeologian (make sure you answer the membership questions)
Follow YPT on Twitter: @youththeologian
Follow YPT on Instagram: @youththeologian
YPT's ebook, Youth Ministry is Theological Ministry, is a free download for subscribers. This book presents ten articles from the YPT archives to help new readers catch YPT's vision for theologically rich and pastorally wise youth ministry.
Tuesday Oct 22, 2024
Tuesday Oct 22, 2024
Every youth leader wants to see their teenagers grow into mature and godly adults. At the same time, we often struggle to clearly define what discipleship is and what it looks like. After all, if everything in our youth ministry falls under the category of discipleship then we’ve probably watered down the category of discipleship so much it doesn’t really mean anything at all.
Discussion Questions
What is catechesis and what’s drawn your attention towards it?
Catechesis tends to remain a known practice in Anglican and other Reformed traditions, but not so much in Baptist churches. Why do you think Baptistic churches tend to overlook catechesis and why is it worth recovering?
What are some of the core elements of a robust but practical catechetical program in youth ministry?
Can you paint a word picture for me or give some practical suggestions about what this really looks like in practice?
Catechetical Discipleship is about so much more than rote memorization of Questions and Answers… can you speak to the role of relational discipleship?
Skyler Flowers is an associate pastor over family discipleship at Grace Bible Church in Oxford, Mississippi, as well as the associate program director at TGC’s Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics.
Parker Hudson serves on the Steering Committee for the Rooted Ministry and has been a youth pastor for 8 years.
Resources Mentioned in this Episode:
Bavinck, The Wonderful Works of God
Harned, Creed and Personal Identity
Emert, The Water and the Blood
New City Catechism
Your own church’s statement of faith
Chatraw, Telling a Better Story
Trueman, Crisis of Confidence
Packer & Parrett, Grounded in the Gospel
McGarry, A Biblical Theology of Youth Ministry
YPT’s Teaching Workshop, Online Cohort, forthcoming Curriculum
Join YPT's Facebook group: @youththeologian (make sure you answer the membership questions)
Follow YPT on Twitter: @youththeologian
Follow YPT on Instagram: @youththeologian
YPT's ebook, Youth Ministry is Theological Ministry, is a free download for subscribers. This book presents ten articles from the YPT archives to help new readers catch YPT's vision for theologically rich and pastorally wise youth ministry.
Tuesday Oct 15, 2024
78: Discussing Gender and Sexuality with Youth (Andrew Bunt & Ashleigh Hull)
Tuesday Oct 15, 2024
Tuesday Oct 15, 2024
Discussing gender and sexuality with teenagers has never been more important... or intimidating. It seems so easy to step on landmines, lose credibility with either students or parents or church leadership, which can make it tempting to avoid the topic altogether. But students are hearing about gender and sexuality, and every ministry has youth who are struggling with these questions personally.
Andrew Bunt and Ashleigh Hull lead Living Out's initiative to support youth to view gender and sexuality in light of the gospel of Jesus Christ. They also share about Living Out's new curriculum, Kaleidoscope, which helps youth ministries discuss these important topics with truth and love and patience.
Could you tell us a little about Living Out’s ministry, and what drew you to be part of it?
What’s the lay of the land in LGBTQ+ conversation in the UK? Are there any noteworthy differences between the States and UK?
How does the gospel shape and direct the way we care for teenagers who are experiencing SSA or gender dysphoria?
How is a biblical vision for sexuality and gender anchored in the Imago Dei and creation? Why is that so important for us teach?
What do you recommend concerning pronoun hospitality? Why?
What is Living Out’s position on the phrase “Gay Christian”?
What recommendations do you have about breaking into small groups by gender?
If you’re going on a weekend retreat and a trans student signs up, how do you address that?
What are some characteristics of churches and youth ministries that are addressing gender and sexuality with courage and compassion, and what are some ways that churches tend to give lip service without actually following through?
Could you tell us a little about Living Out’s new series for youth, Kaleidoscope and what you hope it offers to ministries who use it?
Learn more about Living Out's new Kaledoscope Curriculum
Join YPT's Facebook group: @youththeologian (make sure you answer the membership questions)
Follow YPT on Twitter: @youththeologian
Follow YPT on Instagram: @youththeologian
YPT's ebook, Youth Ministry is Theological Ministry, is a free download for subscribers. This book presents ten articles from the YPT archives to help new readers catch the vision for what it looks like to pursue theological depth in youth ministry.
Tuesday Oct 08, 2024
77: Ministry to Teen Boys (Jonathan Denton)
Tuesday Oct 08, 2024
Tuesday Oct 08, 2024
It’s no secret that boys and girls mature differently. That doesn’t only happen in terms of emotional maturity but also cognitively and spiritually. So, how does that shape the way we minister to the teen guys in our youth ministries?
Discussion Includes:
Tell us a little about your book, Disciplemaking With Guys. Why did you write it and what’s the big idea of the book?
What are some developmental needs of guys that are easily overlooked?
When it comes to discipleship, what are some practical suggestions you have for youth workers who have guys attending youth group but they seem to be way more interested in sweaty games than they are in Jesus?
Could you talk a little about the influence of dads? Are there any recommendations for partnering with parents and family discipleship?
When youth workers are teaching guys and girls together, what advice do you have for speaking to both audiences without making either feel overlooked?
Dr. Jonathan Denton has been serving in student ministry for over 20 years and is an Assistant Professor of Christian Studies/Student Ministry at Charleston Southern University in South Carolina.
Dr. Denton’s books:
Disciplemaking With Guys
Ancient Text, Modern World: Building a God-Centered Worldview in a Me-Centered World
Join YPT's Facebook group: @youththeologian (make sure you answer the membership questions)
Follow YPT on Twitter: @youththeologian
Follow YPT on Instagram: @youththeologian
YPT's ebook, Youth Ministry is Theological Ministry, is a free download for subscribers. This book captures the essence of Youth Pastor Theologian in one ten-chapter book, written by six different contributors from across America, Mexico, and the UK.
Tuesday Oct 01, 2024
76: Calling Youth to a God-Centered Faith (Richard Ross)
Tuesday Oct 01, 2024
Tuesday Oct 01, 2024
The Christian faith is not about “me and Jesus,” but about the glory of our Triune God. What does it mean for youth workers to call teenagers into lives that are marked by faithful worship and a vital union with Christ? Instead, many teenagers have a me-centered faith that treats Jesus like their therapist. This conversation with Dr. Richard Ross helps youth workers identify why this is such a serious problem and what needs to happen to correct it.
What does a me-centered faith look like? Can you give a few examples?
What are some ways that youth leaders can accidentally promote or enable a me-centered faith?
Why do you see a high Christology as an antidote to a me-centered faith?
In past generations, there were teenagers who would live or die for the glory of King Jesus. Do you think we could see that in our day?
How might youth leaders and believing parents come to embrace a high Christology—so they could pass that to the teenagers?
Dr. Richard Ross has served as senior professor of student ministry at SouthWestern Baptist Theological Seminary since 2000. He served as a local-church youth minister for 30 years. Overlapping part of that time was 16 years of service as the youth ministry consultant at LifeWay Christian Resources. His entire life has focused on seeing Christ glorified in the lives of teenagers and their parents and leaders.
Discover some of Dr. Ross' Books:
Reign: Awakening a Young Generation to King Jesus (a resource very much in line with this podcast conversation)
Youth Ministry that Lasts a Lifetime
The Senior Pastor and the Reformation of Youth Ministry
Join YPT's Facebook group: @youththeologian (make sure you answer the membership questions)
Follow YPT on Twitter: @youththeologian
Follow YPT on Instagram: @youththeologian
YPT's ebook, Youth Ministry is Theological Ministry, is a free download for subscribers. This book captures the essence of Youth Pastor Theologian in one ten-chapter book, written by six different contributors from across America, Mexico, and the UK.
Theology... in youth ministry?!
Theology and youth ministry don't tend to go together. But they should. Students are asking hard questions and they're growing up in a culture where living as a Christian makes you an outcast. We need more than easy answers and lots of fun if we're going to make lifelong disciples.