Youth Pastor Theologian
Youth Pastor Theologian is built on the conviction that youth ministry is theological ministry. But what does that really mean? The YPT Podcast features conversations to help you think theologically about what youth ministry is, and to help you teach theologically with confidence.
Tuesday Oct 22, 2024
Tuesday Oct 22, 2024
Every youth leader wants to see their teenagers grow into mature and godly adults. At the same time, we often struggle to clearly define what discipleship is and what it looks like. After all, if everything in our youth ministry falls under the category of discipleship then we’ve probably watered down the category of discipleship so much it doesn’t really mean anything at all.
Discussion Questions
What is catechesis and what’s drawn your attention towards it?
Catechesis tends to remain a known practice in Anglican and other Reformed traditions, but not so much in Baptist churches. Why do you think Baptistic churches tend to overlook catechesis and why is it worth recovering?
What are some of the core elements of a robust but practical catechetical program in youth ministry?
Can you paint a word picture for me or give some practical suggestions about what this really looks like in practice?
Catechetical Discipleship is about so much more than rote memorization of Questions and Answers… can you speak to the role of relational discipleship?
Skyler Flowers is an associate pastor over family discipleship at Grace Bible Church in Oxford, Mississippi, as well as the associate program director at TGC’s Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics.
Parker Hudson serves on the Steering Committee for the Rooted Ministry and has been a youth pastor for 8 years.
Resources Mentioned in this Episode:
Bavinck, The Wonderful Works of God
Harned, Creed and Personal Identity
Emert, The Water and the Blood
New City Catechism
Your own church’s statement of faith
Chatraw, Telling a Better Story
Trueman, Crisis of Confidence
Packer & Parrett, Grounded in the Gospel
McGarry, A Biblical Theology of Youth Ministry
YPT’s Teaching Workshop, Online Cohort, forthcoming Curriculum
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YPT's ebook, Youth Ministry is Theological Ministry, is a free download for subscribers. This book presents ten articles from the YPT archives to help new readers catch YPT's vision for theologically rich and pastorally wise youth ministry.
Tuesday Oct 15, 2024
78: Discussing Gender and Sexuality with Youth (Andrew Bunt & Ashleigh Hull)
Tuesday Oct 15, 2024
Tuesday Oct 15, 2024
Discussing gender and sexuality with teenagers has never been more important... or intimidating. It seems so easy to step on landmines, lose credibility with either students or parents or church leadership, which can make it tempting to avoid the topic altogether. But students are hearing about gender and sexuality, and every ministry has youth who are struggling with these questions personally.
Andrew Bunt and Ashleigh Hull lead Living Out's initiative to support youth to view gender and sexuality in light of the gospel of Jesus Christ. They also share about Living Out's new curriculum, Kaleidoscope, which helps youth ministries discuss these important topics with truth and love and patience.
Could you tell us a little about Living Out’s ministry, and what drew you to be part of it?
What’s the lay of the land in LGBTQ+ conversation in the UK? Are there any noteworthy differences between the States and UK?
How does the gospel shape and direct the way we care for teenagers who are experiencing SSA or gender dysphoria?
How is a biblical vision for sexuality and gender anchored in the Imago Dei and creation? Why is that so important for us teach?
What do you recommend concerning pronoun hospitality? Why?
What is Living Out’s position on the phrase “Gay Christian”?
What recommendations do you have about breaking into small groups by gender?
If you’re going on a weekend retreat and a trans student signs up, how do you address that?
What are some characteristics of churches and youth ministries that are addressing gender and sexuality with courage and compassion, and what are some ways that churches tend to give lip service without actually following through?
Could you tell us a little about Living Out’s new series for youth, Kaleidoscope and what you hope it offers to ministries who use it?
Learn more about Living Out's new Kaledoscope Curriculum
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YPT's ebook, Youth Ministry is Theological Ministry, is a free download for subscribers. This book presents ten articles from the YPT archives to help new readers catch the vision for what it looks like to pursue theological depth in youth ministry.
Tuesday Oct 08, 2024
77: Ministry to Teen Boys (Jonathan Denton)
Tuesday Oct 08, 2024
Tuesday Oct 08, 2024
It’s no secret that boys and girls mature differently. That doesn’t only happen in terms of emotional maturity but also cognitively and spiritually. So, how does that shape the way we minister to the teen guys in our youth ministries?
Discussion Includes:
Tell us a little about your book, Disciplemaking With Guys. Why did you write it and what’s the big idea of the book?
What are some developmental needs of guys that are easily overlooked?
When it comes to discipleship, what are some practical suggestions you have for youth workers who have guys attending youth group but they seem to be way more interested in sweaty games than they are in Jesus?
Could you talk a little about the influence of dads? Are there any recommendations for partnering with parents and family discipleship?
When youth workers are teaching guys and girls together, what advice do you have for speaking to both audiences without making either feel overlooked?
Dr. Jonathan Denton has been serving in student ministry for over 20 years and is an Assistant Professor of Christian Studies/Student Ministry at Charleston Southern University in South Carolina.
Dr. Denton’s books:
Disciplemaking With Guys
Ancient Text, Modern World: Building a God-Centered Worldview in a Me-Centered World
Join YPT's Facebook group: @youththeologian (make sure you answer the membership questions)
Follow YPT on Twitter: @youththeologian
Follow YPT on Instagram: @youththeologian
YPT's ebook, Youth Ministry is Theological Ministry, is a free download for subscribers. This book captures the essence of Youth Pastor Theologian in one ten-chapter book, written by six different contributors from across America, Mexico, and the UK.
Tuesday Oct 01, 2024
76: Calling Youth to a God-Centered Faith (Richard Ross)
Tuesday Oct 01, 2024
Tuesday Oct 01, 2024
The Christian faith is not about “me and Jesus,” but about the glory of our Triune God. What does it mean for youth workers to call teenagers into lives that are marked by faithful worship and a vital union with Christ? Instead, many teenagers have a me-centered faith that treats Jesus like their therapist. This conversation with Dr. Richard Ross helps youth workers identify why this is such a serious problem and what needs to happen to correct it.
What does a me-centered faith look like? Can you give a few examples?
What are some ways that youth leaders can accidentally promote or enable a me-centered faith?
Why do you see a high Christology as an antidote to a me-centered faith?
In past generations, there were teenagers who would live or die for the glory of King Jesus. Do you think we could see that in our day?
How might youth leaders and believing parents come to embrace a high Christology—so they could pass that to the teenagers?
Dr. Richard Ross has served as senior professor of student ministry at SouthWestern Baptist Theological Seminary since 2000. He served as a local-church youth minister for 30 years. Overlapping part of that time was 16 years of service as the youth ministry consultant at LifeWay Christian Resources. His entire life has focused on seeing Christ glorified in the lives of teenagers and their parents and leaders.
Discover some of Dr. Ross' Books:
Reign: Awakening a Young Generation to King Jesus (a resource very much in line with this podcast conversation)
Youth Ministry that Lasts a Lifetime
The Senior Pastor and the Reformation of Youth Ministry
Join YPT's Facebook group: @youththeologian (make sure you answer the membership questions)
Follow YPT on Twitter: @youththeologian
Follow YPT on Instagram: @youththeologian
YPT's ebook, Youth Ministry is Theological Ministry, is a free download for subscribers. This book captures the essence of Youth Pastor Theologian in one ten-chapter book, written by six different contributors from across America, Mexico, and the UK.
Tuesday Sep 24, 2024
75: Ministry to Kids in Crisis (Seth Teegarden)
Tuesday Sep 24, 2024
Tuesday Sep 24, 2024
Youth Ministry often brings us into students’ lives during difficult and painful times. Instead of avoiding that because it’s messy or complicated, the gospel calls us to walk beside youth and their families with love and compassion. Today we’re talking with Seth Teegarden about his experience as a house parent for kids in crisis, and about how that’s shaped his current ministry as a youth pastor.
Discussion Includes:
Could you share about your experience serving in the group homes for at-risk youth?
What do we mean by at-risk youth?
What did you learn about love and compassion for kids and youth who have experienced trauma?
How did this ministry shape your own relationship with your Heavenly Father, and what did you observe about the ways their trauma shaped the students’ perception of God?
I’m thinking about youth leaders listening who are thinking about the students in their group and think, “My group is fine. We don’t have kids who’ve experienced trauma.” What counsel do you have for those youth leaders?
What are some subtle ways youth leaders might accidentally prove themselves untrustworthy to students who need an advocate?
How do you proclaim and apply the gospel to youth who are survivors of abuse and trauma? Are there any particular things you emphasize or avoid?
Seth Teegarden is youth pastor at East Ellijay Baptist Church in northern Georgia. Seth and his wife Diana served as house parents in two different group homes for at-risk youth, which is the topic for today’s conversation.
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YPT's ebook, Youth Ministry is Theological Ministry, is a free download for subscribers. This book captures the essence of Youth Pastor Theologian in one ten-chapter book, written by six different contributors from across America, Mexico, and the UK.
Tuesday Sep 17, 2024
74: Strengthening the Senior Pastor / Youth Pastor Relationship (Cody Busby)
Tuesday Sep 17, 2024
Tuesday Sep 17, 2024
One of the main reasons a youth pastor’s relationship with their senior pastor can suffer is from unmet expectations. In this conversation, we talk with Cody Busby (Mike’s pastor) in order to encourage and support healthy senior/youth pastor relationships.
Discussion Features:
Share with us a little about your experience as a youth pastor… what do you miss most about serving in youth ministry and how do you think that’s shaped the way you lead as a senior pastor?
What are some of the biggest differences between leading as a youth pastor and leading as the senior pastor?
I’m not sure what your relationship was like with your senior pastor, but now that you’ve been a senior pastor for 18 years, what do you wish you could go back and tell youth pastor Cody?
Big picture, what are some expectations that senior pastors have of youth pastors? This isn’t a list of what they SHOULD expect… but an honest reflection of what you’ve heard that would be good for youth pastors to know.
What are your thoughts about “leading up?” as this way for subordinates to seek to lead their leaders? In what ways is this simply “leading together” and in what ways can this be a red flag that maybe it’s time to leave?
If you could identify a few areas where you think youth pastors need to focus in order to improve or strengthen their relationship with the senior pastor?
A final word on what you’d like to share with youth pastors who may have a less-than-great relationship with their pastor?
Cody Busby is the senior pastor of South Shore Baptist Church in Hingham, MA. He has his D.Min. in expository preaching from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and is a proud member of the South Shore Curling Club.
Join YPT's Facebook group: @youththeologian (make sure you answer the membership questions)
Follow YPT on Twitter: @youththeologian
Follow YPT on Instagram: @youththeologian
YPT's ebook, Youth Ministry is Theological Ministry, is a free download for subscribers. This book captures the essence of Youth Pastor Theologian in one ten-chapter book, written by six different contributors from across America, Mexico, and the UK.
Tuesday May 28, 2024
73: Preaching that Connects (Matt Kim)
Tuesday May 28, 2024
Tuesday May 28, 2024
Faithful preaching and teaching does more than deliver biblical content, it takes the audience into account and draws the listeners into the text so they can behold the truth and beauty of God’s Word. Most of us have listened to sermons that were biblically and theologically sound, but they weren’t helpful. In today’s conversation, we want to help youth leaders preach and teach in a way that connects with the youth in your ministry.
What are some reasons preachers and teachers can preach an exegetically strong sermon but struggle to connect with their audience?
YPT is serving youth pastors and volunteer leaders, how does a teenage audience shape the way you prepare and deliver biblical sermons?
One of your books is entitled “Preaching with Cultural Intelligence.” What do you mean by that and what’s that look like in our preparation and delivery?
How can youth pastors better understand themselves and their own cultural background in order to guard against imposing ourselves onto our listeners?
If you were to offer just a few simple and accessible pieces of advice for new youth pastors, what would it be?
Finally, what are some of the “absolute go-to” books on preaching you think every minister should read?
Matthew Kim is a Professor of Practical Theology and holds the Hubert and Gladys Raborn Chair of Pastoral Leadership at Truett Theological Seminary in Waco, TX. He’s written multiple books on preaching, and we’ll be focusing today on one of those… Preaching with Cultural Intelligence.
Recommended books by Dr. Kim
Haddon Robinson, Biblical Preaching: The Development and Delivery of Expository Messages
D. Martyn Lloyd Jones, Preachers and Preaching
Abraham Kuruvilla, A Vision for Preaching: Understanding the Heart of Pastoral Ministry
Benjamin Kirby, PreachersNSneakers: Authenticity in an Age of For-Profit Faith and (Wannabe) Celebrities
View and Order Dr. Kim's books on Amazon
Follow Dr. Kim on Twitter: @matthewdkim
Join YPT's Facebook group: @youththeologian (make sure you answer the membership questions)
Follow YPT on Twitter: @youththeologian
Follow YPT on Instagram: @youththeologian
YPT's ebook, Youth Ministry is Theological Ministry, is a free download for subscribers. This book captures the essence of Youth Pastor Theologian in one ten-chapter book, written by six different contributors from across America, Mexico, and the UK.
Tuesday May 21, 2024
72: Revisiting Moralistic Therapeutic Deism (Kenda Creasy Dean)
Tuesday May 21, 2024
Tuesday May 21, 2024
Nearly twenty years ago, the largest study on youth and religion described the religious worldview of youth and young adults as Moralistic Therapeutic Deism. The teenagers and young adults in that study are now the parents of GenZ, which prompts the question, “Is MTD still a good description of youth spirituality?”
Discussion Questions
For our listeners who don’t know about the National Study on Youth and Religion, could you share an overview of what that was all about and about your role in it?
The most enduring finding from NSYR was Moralistic Therapeutic Deism. What is that, and could you give a few examples of the way it was understood at the time?
How does MTD relate with tolerance culture today?
What are some lessons from NSYR that we continue to overlook today?
Your book Almost Christian really struck a nerve when it was released in 2010. What were some of the messages from that book that resonated with people at the time, and how do you see those continuing or changing in youth culture today?
Dr. Kenda Creasy Dean is a youth ministry legend and is Professor of Youth, Church, and Culture at Princeton Theological Seminary. Dr. Dean has written or co-authored a dozen books, most notably Starting Right, The Theological Turn in Youth Ministry and Almost Christian.
Resources Mentioned in this Podcast:
Soul Searching, by Christian Smith and Melissa Lundquist Denton
Handing Down the Faith, by Christian Smith and Amy Adamczyk
Almost Christian, by Kenda Creasy Dean
The Polaris Young Adult Leadership Network at Princeton Theological Seminary
Tuesday May 14, 2024
71: Teaching Students the Doctrine of God (Malcom Yarnell)
Tuesday May 14, 2024
Tuesday May 14, 2024
If youth workers aren't teaching teenagers about God then how can we call what we're doing "ministry"? The doctrine of God is a topic that people tend to either take for granted or they are intimidated by it's grandeur. This conversation highlights some of the core aspects of the doctrine of God and why it's so important to talk about with teenagers.
What is the vision behind the “Theology for Every Person” series?
People are easily intimidated by the word “theology.” Why is it so important to promote theology for normal believers?
Why start with the doctrine of God and not the doctrine of Scripture/Revelation?
Could you give us an overview of the doctrine of God, what does that involve?
Does someone need to believe in the Trinity in order to be a Christian? What about the new believer?
Our audience is primarily youth pastors and volunteer youth workers… what advice do you have for them in talking about the Trinity and doctrine of God with teenagers, in a way that is simple to understand and doctrinally sound?
Advice about a youth teaching series about the attributes of God?
Dr. Malcolm Yarnell serves as Research Professor of Theology at SWBTS and as Teaching Pastor at Lakeside Baptist Church in Granbury, TX, among other things. He’s also written or contributed to many theology books – his latest project is a three-part series entitled “Theology for Every Person” and the first book has just been released, which focuses on the doctrine of God.
Other books by Dr. Yarnell YPT Recommends:
The Formation of Christian Doctrine
God the Trinity: Biblical Portraits
Trinitarian Theology
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Follow Dr. Yarnell on Twitter/X and Instagram: @MusingsOnChrist
Join YPT's Facebook group: @youththeologian (make sure you answer the membership questions)
Follow YPT on Twitter: @youththeologian
Follow YPT on Instagram: @youththeologian
YPT's ebook, Youth Ministry is Theological Ministry, is a free download for subscribers. This book captures the essence of Youth Pastor Theologian in one ten-chapter book, written by six different contributors from across America, Mexico, and the UK.
Tuesday May 07, 2024
70: Youth Ministry and Apologetics in Africa (Kevin Muriithi)
Tuesday May 07, 2024
Tuesday May 07, 2024
Although we preach the same gospel, each culture brings distinct questions and challenges for pastoral ministry. What can Western youth workers learn from African youth leaders and pastors?
What does youth ministry look like in Kenya? Since Africa is a large continent with many people groups and languages, can you give us a snapshot about what youth ministry looks like across Africa?
You’ve recently published “Apologetics in Africa” through Langham Press. What prompted you to write that book?
There are some chapters that are very similar to what you’d find in most apologetics books, but there are some pretty unique topics that are particular to ministry in Africa. What are some questions apologetics in Africa needs to address that doesn’t get much attention in other contexts?
What blind spots have you seen in the broader world of youth ministry that we might not recognize ourselves?
Dr. Kevin Muriithi is a Lecturer and Head of Department in Practical Theology at School of Theology at St. Paul’s University, Kenya and is an affiliated Research Fellow in the Department of Practical Theology and Missiology, Stellenbosch University, South Africa. He brings pastoral ministry experiences to theological education, especially his years of serving in youth ministry. He’s recently published “Apologetics in Africa” through Langham Press, which is the main topic of today’s conversation.
Study: Global Youth Culture (OneHope)
Dr. Muriithi’s blog:
Order Apologetics in Africa on Amazon or through Langham Publishing (free shipping)
Follow Dr. Muriithi on Twitter/X: @ndereba
Join YPT's Facebook group: @youththeologian (make sure you answer the membership questions)
Follow YPT on Twitter: @youththeologian
Follow YPT on Instagram: @youththeologian
YPT's ebook, Youth Ministry is Theological Ministry, is a free download for subscribers. This book captures the essence of Youth Pastor Theologian in one ten-chapter book, written by six different contributors from across America, Mexico, and the UK.
Theology... in youth ministry?!
Theology and youth ministry don't tend to go together. But they should. Students are asking hard questions and they're growing up in a culture where living as a Christian makes you an outcast. We need more than easy answers and lots of fun if we're going to make lifelong disciples.